The media is full of the evils of cellulite, and women everywhere are taught to worry about it and look for ways to reduce or remove it. Cellulite treatment has become a popular med spa treatment, especially during the summer, but what do we really understand about cellulite? In truth, cellulite myths abound, covering everything from removal, cures, and concealment. We address some of the most common myths here.
What Is Cellulite?
Cellulite is a skin condition that causes dimpled flesh on the hips, thighs, buttocks, and abdomen. While the cause is still under scrutiny, it appears to center around the attachment of connective fibrous cords from the skin to the underlying muscles and the loss of collagen in the skin. With the loss of collagen in the skin, the connective fibrous cords are pushed against the skin causing dimpling. In addition when fat cells accumulate, they press against the skin and cause the cords to pull down and give skin an uneven surface.
Cellulite is more common in women because their fat more commonly accumulates in the hips, buttocks, and thighs as opposed to being distributed to other areas. Cellulite often becomes more apparent with aging as the skin begins to lose its collagen, elasticity and buoyancy.
Cellulite Myths Debunked
The science of cellulite, like that of all components of the human anatomy, is under constant revision. As our understanding of the condition improves, further misconceptions about it continue to be controversial. For now, we come down on eight of the most common cellulite myths.
Myth #1: Firming Creams Can Cure Cellulite
One of the most common cellulite myths is that creams and topical solutions will erase the condition. The short answer is that there is no cure for cellulite. Firming creams can help tone the appearance of cellulite, but no topical solution will smooth out the skin completely. Using firming creams are helpful to make the skin look more youthful and maintain some elasticity in affected areas, but doing so will not completely hide cellulite.
Myth #2: Cardio Gets Rid Of Cellulite
Another common entry on the list of cellulite myths is that cardio and exercise make cellulite vanish. Cellulite does not disappear in a burst of extensive exercise, but a proper workout routine can help increase muscle mass. This gives cellulite less room to pucker against the skin. Properly gaining muscle mass is an effective way to reduce the appearance of cellulite.
Myth #3: Diet Eliminates All Cellulite
The inconvenient truth is that once cellulite is present, it cannot be removed completely. Even a well-balanced diet will not cure the condition. That being said, reducing the amount of consumed fat is a beneficial way to improve skin’s appearance, and a well-rounded diet gives skin the nutrients it needs to stay firm. Eating well can minimize cellulite’s profile in a way similar to exercise’s effect.

Myth #4: Men Don’t Get Cellulite
Gender-specific bias is one of the biggest cellulite myths that need to be debunked. Men can experience cellulite, though because of sex-specific fat distribution, cellulite is not as prevalent in men as it is in women. Men often see a change in appearance in their abdomen and upper arms. Just like women, men can seek laser treatments, micro-needling, or body sculpting for the treatment of cellulite, and the measures are just as effective.
Myth #5: Only Overweight People Have Cellulite
While cellulite is formed by fat cells, it does not take much for it to form. Many people who are in good shape experience cellulite in the fatty areas of their bodies. Cellulite is not exclusive to those over their target weight.
Myth #6: Cellulite Disappears When Wearing Supportive Clothing
Wearing compression clothing or spandex under the clothes can hide the appearance of cellulite. This can be helpful to boost confidence, especially when in public or at special events. However, after compression clothing is removed, the appearance of the skin will return to its original state. Such clothing items do not cure cellulite or remove it—they are a temporary measure.
Myth #7: Liposuction Removes Cellulite
Liposuction is a medical spa treatment that is used to improve the appearance of cellulite. Those who choose to have the procedure should be aware that it does not cure cellulite. For all its benefits, occasionally liposuction can exacerbate the dimpling effect, making cellulite more apparent. There are more effective skin treatments for cellulite that can be more beneficial.
Myth #8: Cellulite Is a Bad Thing
The prevalence of all these cellulite myths is rooted in this, the most pervasive. Society often portrays cellulite as something to hide and be ashamed of, but the truth of the matter is that cellulite is a common skin condition and is not a commentary on poor health or hygiene. If you want to take measures against cellulite, do so for your own sake, not because you feel shamed.

Skin Treatments With Advanced Electrolysis
At Advanced Electrolysis, we can help you rejuvenate your skin through our advanced treatments, including EvolveX and Morpheus8. EvolveX is a body sculpting treatment to lose fat, tighten skin, enhance muscle, and address cellulite. Morpheous8 is another favorite amongst patients because of its properties that improve fine lines and wrinkles, tightens loose skin, improves cellulite, reduces stretch marks, and more. If you are looking for a little assistance in getting your body looking and feeling better than ever, contact us today to schedule your appointment. We will help you find the best treatment options for you and your desired results.