What is Excessive Sweating or Hyperhidrosis?
Sweat. We all experience it. Whether it is the unwanted odors or the annoying stains it can leave behind, it can be embarrassing. Perspiration is a normal and necessary part of everyday life. Our body uses many glands known as sudoriferous glands as a way to regulate our body temperature. When our body temperature rises from exercising or excessive outside temperature, our nerves will naturally start to stimulate sweat as a way to cool down. Also, it can be triggered by emotions, nerves, or even hormones. In addition, our body uses our sweat to remove toxins from our body. Unfortunately, our nerves can overreact and be stimulated without a necessary cause. It is then categorized as excessive sweating or Hyperhidrosis.

How Does BotoxⓇ Help with Sweating?
By injecting BotoxⓇ into the underarm area, we are able to block the neurotransmitters (nerves) that trigger those sweat glands to produce sweat. We have been asked, “aren’t those glands necessary?” Fortunately for us, we have so many sweat glands throughout our body that we have many alternative glands to decrease body temperature and eliminate toxins . By eliminating sweat in the underarm area, we can decrease the bacteria which causes odor. Our injector will utilize two substances that highlight the area of excessive sweat to ensure the correct area is being treated. After the glands become highlighted, our injector will then administer the treatment in a strategic grid system to maximize each injection’s results..
What is a Botox Treatment for Sweating Like?
The treatment will take 30-45 minutes and requires around 30 units of BotoxⓇ per underarm. If there are concerns of discomfort during the treatment, numbing cream can be applied prior to the appointment. Results will last 6 months to one year. Our bodies are unique which requires each treatment to vary from person to person. We recommend calling and scheduling a consultation with our injector to get your treatment plan started! 801-782-5868.
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